Why Women Want to Get Married

Marriage is an institution that is held with high regard worldwide. In fact it is universally considered prestigious for one to get married and thanks to the marriage institution for its great role in nurturing healthy generations since time immemorial. Marriage is believed to have been invented by the almighty himself and that is a great incentive to every person to uphold it with great respect and adoration.

 Meanwhile, we have to focus on the key reasons as to why women choose to get married and these are not strange reasons. They are logical reasons that a lot of people know of. The first reason that you cannot afford to overlook is the societal obligation that any upright girl who comes of age has to get married. This exerts pressure on ladies, others surprisingly young to battle their way into marriage. It is alright to do this but evil acts like having to kill a potential rival is extreme and should not happen.

 The second reason is for companionship. Actually nobody wants to be alone and research has proved that those people who are in relationships have higher chances of excelling financially and at the same time less likely to suffer from stress and related diseases like mental illnesses.

 Women will also want to get married for prestige reasons. It boosts a woman’s ego to be married and it is observed as a successful graduation into responsible parenthood. It goes without saying that it is prestigious and dignified to sire children in a complete family where by both parents are there to guide as well as to protect their children. Those children who are brought up single handedly most at times unfortunately turn out to have some personality disorders like low self esteem. For others it is for the purpose of escaping from stress back at home and that ranges from economic constraints to harassment from parents. In their thinking, they have the mentality that marriage will liberate them. Unfortunately, it at times turns out to be “hell on earth” and some opt to ending their lives. 

Another reason which to a lot of people might sound a little weird is actually the drive that a woman wants to feel the experience of how it feels to be married. Experimenting with such a serious matter? For heavens sake women can sometimes go far in their crazy fantasies!

 I actually hate the last reason because to me it is quite disgusting. I am kindly requesting that any woman who comes across this question to kindly help me understand. On a serious note, how do you just go ahead to imprison a man to a life sentence of unbearable marriage life for your own selfish reasons of wanting to climb the social and economic ladder in a twinkle of an eye?

 The first man is believed to have been lonely and that his spirits only rose when God came around. He lived with all the animals but did not find fulfillment in them until woman was created for him. Marriages are good but to all the women out there please seek marriage on good grounds to ensure no one gets hurt.
